Shitty Values

Prioritizing better values; choosing better things to give a fuck about.

Himanshu wagh
5 min readDec 26, 2021

Give Better Fucks_ Get Better Problems_Get a Better Life

Values underlie everything we are and do. If what we value is not worthy, if what we consider as a success/failure is poorly chosen, then everything based upon those values- all emotions, thoughts, daily feelings to it- will be out of the wreck. Everything we think and feel about a situation ultimately comes back to how valuable we perceive it to be.

Now, most people around the globe are horrible in answering the question of why they value certain things in life.

Now we all know, some peeps want to be fucking ultra-rich and wanna live in the opulence till they die. Now at the same time, these peeps are those who consider their life to be miserable and not worthy enough.

By all this horribleness of becoming ultra-rich one day they tend to ignore the important value-based questions

Why do they need to be rich in the first place? How are they choosing to measure their success and failure? Is it not perhaps some particular value that’s the root cause of their unhappiness, and not the fact that they don’t drive the Ferrari yet?

The problem in our generation today is that negative experiences like anxiety, fear, or guilt- are considered not okay.

And the cause for not feeling good about these negative experiences is the consumer culture of hey-look-my-life-is-better-than-yours-Instagram (or any SM platform)

What I mean to say is that if you look at your Insta feed, everyfuckingman appears to be having a wonderful time in life.

Look at your Instagram Feed right now,

The first thing you will see, Logan Paul bought one sitter Lamborghini by doing vlogs.

Second, a sixteen-year-old developed a 2 Billion dollar app.

Third, Saba got the lovely dress as a Christmas gift, and, fuck my life, I just got the Fogg Deodrant as a christmas gift

Fourth, Photoes of Aryan’s Paris Trip (In our minds, he shouldn’t get that; I’ve accomplished so much in my life and I should be entitled to go to Paris, and still being under achiever he’s having a fucking good time…………………. but you’ll like his photos to make your other friends think you have a friend who is having vacation in paris)

Now you’re bombarded with other 350 Images of people having amazing fucking lives, and it’s impossible to not feel like there’s something wrong with you. We feel unhappy after looking at their so-called good lives because we had chosen the shitty value of being happy every time.

As I mentioned earlier, values underlie everything happening to us. I have a list of a few shitty values, which might sound quite counterintuitive. But we measure ourselves with those values.

Happiness is a shit:

Happiness is good but it’s a bad idea to prioritize only happiness in life. I know to be happy is something that is marketed to us twenty-four seven, though it’s necessary for life it isn’t sufficient in itself.

Happiness is something that comes from solving problems. It will not be magically discovered. It’s the effect of our action, and as we know effects can’t be controlled unless you control the action.

Happiness shouldn’t be our life goal,

Happiness is the shallow boat in a very rough ocean- Jordan Peterson

It’s okay to not be happy every time. Whatever your problems are, the concept is the same: solve problems, be happy :)

Always trying to be Right is a crazy mindset:

People like to be right because it validates how intelligent, clever or good they are.

But no human can be right every other time.

As humans, we will be wrong plenty of times in life, so it’s prudent to stop justifying our perception just to sound right. The people who determine their self-worth by being right every time prevent themselves from learning from their mistakes. These people cannot also take a new perspective as they might tend to ignore the other’s perception.

If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original -Ken Robinson

It’s okay to be not right every time. Learn to embrace the fact that you, like everyone else, will be vulnerable at times, or lacking in ideas and solutions.

Cut the Crap of being Positive every time:

If you aim to be positive every time in your life, then problems in your life will perpetuate.

Everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the negative experiences- Mark Manson

Being open with your problems and accepting the negative experiences will make you a more charismatic and confident person. Sometimes being positive is avoiding suffering. And avoiding the suffering seems to be a denial of failure but the other way round it is a failure. When we force ourselves to be positive every time, we deny the existence of our life’s problems.

Problems add meaning to our lives, and without problems or not accepting that there are problems leads to a meaningless existence.

So, accept the negative experiences and cut the crap of being positive every time.

Materialistic Q Ban’na:

Some people measure their self worth by how much money they make and for Gen Z, what kind of phone do they use or is my car better than my neighbours is determining factor for Self Worth.

Sometimes people, who value the status symbols more, tend to ignore the other values such as honesty, sincerity, and dedication.

Don’t value yourself with whether you are having iPhone or Not. The craving for something extra will be there when you aim to be Materialistic. When people measure themselves or others by their ability to collect status symbols they’re probably the Assholes.

To conclude, it’s fine not to be happy all of the time, it’s fine to be incorrect at times, it’s fine to have negative experiences in life, and it’s perfectly fine to not own an iPhone 13 Pro Max (512 GB).

Thanks for taking out time to read this self-help piece of content.

For writing this blog, I borrowed a few concepts from Jordan Peterson & Mark Manson.



Himanshu wagh

A boy with wierd ideas. I love psychology, business, and sports (not particularly in that order tho)